Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Coast to coast LA to Chjcago

Have you ever spoken up when you saw something going on that was wrong? Were you scared? What ended up happening?

Well, ask anyone about me and they'll tell you just how humble and unassuming I am. I mean, I don't like to toot my own horn. Butter my own biscuits. Swab my own deck. Button my own button.

There was this one time that I got into some hot water for standing up for what I believe in. And man I just hardly ever talk about it. Honestly it's kind of a complicated situation.

I had just started this great new job that would allow me to do some really great work for the community. But after starting, I realized that the whole system was just mired in corruption and graft. To make a long story short I ended up filibustering for 25 hours before the man who had taken me under his wing (who also happened to be at the center of the corruption! It was wild) burst on to the senate floor and-


Oh shit, y'know I think

Yeah, that was the movie Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

That's my bad.

Let me think

Alright, in seriousness this actually happened

There was this one time when I was in a car with some guys from work. I wouldn't call them friends because, well I legitimately don't remember their names. I also don't remember why I was in this car. I assume this was when I didn't own a car? Sounds about right.

Anyways one of them saw a TCU girl jogging up ahead as we sat at a red light. And he essentially said (I'm paraphrasing), "I'm going to cat call her"

Which was pretty wild to me. I had never really considered the possibility that cat calls could be premeditated. I guess I had just assumed that they were random outbursts. Uncontrollable spasms of patriarchal privilege being propelled up and out of sexually frustrated men. But here it was.

Anyways, I said, "Don't do that. Don't be a dick"

And he didn't.

Y'know I assume most men are sitting at a very low number of cat calls made. I would hope for most it would be at 0, but who knows.
But how many men do you know have literally made negative one cat calls.

Anyways, you can see how I would get myself confused with Jimmy Stewart in the landmark 1939 film Mr Smith Goes to Washington.

Not every hero wears a cape.

-Goosip Goirl

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